26.  Shorthand for In-line Equations

      In a mathematical document, it is necessary to follow mathematical conventions not just in display equations, but also in the body of the text, for example by making variable names like [equation] italic. Although this could be done by surrounding the appropriate parts with .EQ and .EN, the continual repetition of .EQ and .EN is a nuisance. Furthermore, with `-ms', .EQ and .EN imply a displayed equation.

      EQN provides a shorthand for short in-line expressions. You can define two characters to mark the left and right ends of an in-line equation, and then type expressions right in the middle of text lines. To set both the left and right characters to dollar signs, for example, add to the beginning of your document the three lines .EQ
delim %%
Having done this, you can then say things like Let %alpha sub i% be the primary variable, and let %beta% be zero. Then we can show that %x sub 1% is %>=0%. This works as you might expect _ spaces, newlines, and so on are significant in the text, but not in the equation part itself. Multiple equations can occur in a single input line.

      Enough room is left before and after a line that contains in-line expressions that something like [equation] does not interfere with the lines surrounding it.

      To turn off the delimiters, .EQ
delim off
Warning: don't use braces, tildes, circumflexes, or double quotes as delimiters _ chaos will result.