Tokens consist of keywords, identifiers, constants, operators, and separators. Token separators may be blanks, tabs or comments. Newline characters or semicolons separate statements.
Comments are introduced by the characters /* and terminated by */.
There are three kinds of identifiers - ordinary identifiers, array identifiers and function identifiers. All three types consist of single lower-case letters. Array identifiers are followed by square brackets, possibly enclosing an expression describing a subscript. Arrays are singly dimensioned and may contain up to 2048 elements. Indexing begins at zero so an array may be indexed from 0 to 2047. Subscripts are truncated to integers. Function identifiers are followed by parentheses, possibly enclosing arguments. The three types of identifiers do not conflict; a program can have a variable named x, an array named x and a function named x, all of which are separate and distinct.
The following are reserved keywords:
ibase if
obase break
scale define
sqrt auto
length return
while quit
Constants consist of arbitrarily long numbers with an optional decimal point. The hexadecimal digits A-F are also recognized as digits with values 10-15, respectively.